
Monday, June 26, 2006

Playing With My Cat by C.D.
I see:
Jumping up and down playing
Playing with the toy mouse
Eating a giant pizza
I hear:
Bawns Bawns
Prr Prr
Meow Meow
Chomp Chomp
I feel:
Soft Hair
Smooth Body

BEES by M.A.
Bees are like flies
And sometimes you wonder why they buzz in your ears.
And flies are like bees
And sometimes you wonder why they zzzzzzzzzzzz in your ears.
Bees are really nice if you're nice to them or else they say "I will sting you."
Flies are really nice if you're nice to them or else they will say "I will bother you and scare you off."
And you say to both at the same time STOP BUGGING ME!

What Sparkles? by T.D.
Sparkles are in my teacher's eyes
Just like stars in the sky
Sparkles are in my teacher's hair
Just like Cinderella's dancing hair
Sparkles are in my teacher's glasses
Just like her beautiful singing basket!
Sparkles are in my teacher's purse
Just like a big fruit punch burst!
Sparkles are in my teacher's chairs
Just like her beautiful mad glare!
Sparkles are in my teacher's smile
Just like a beautiful long mile!
Sparkles are in my teacher's face
Just like you are playing tag and there is a base!
Sparkles are all over my teacher
Just like a dancing ballet teacher!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Creative Writing in Third Grade: Imagine you were someone else for a day. Write about what your life would be like living as that person. I changed the spelling so it is readable.

I imagine I was Elvis. Then I'll have a famous mansion. A lot of people would buy my songs. I'll make a bunch of songs and the crowd will love me. The crowd will be chanting my name. "Elvis! Elvis!" Then I'll get all the ladies. I'll be the bestest musician ever. M.E.

I would be the president. I can give speeches. If I could I would make all people treat all people great. If an old man wants to go outside and it is raining I would give him an umbrella. I should make children happy. I will give all the children more time to rest. Their minds are working too hard. I will give them more recesses so their minds could rest a little and build their minds up. They work too much! A.Y.

I always wanted to be my sister because she cool and mean. She puts on make-up all the time and bosses my brother because he bothers me all the time. I want to be just like her. Plus she makes me food and she is like a hero to me. D.P.

Then there is this one...obviously I need to work on spelling with this young student (not to mention punctuation)...
If I were a person for a day I will be M&M because he rapes good and has big musles and he is famis at raping and has a big house and has a pool and he has a wife and a doter and he is rich and earns alot of money by raping. He also is cool and he rapes in front of millions of people. E.E.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Listening to this on the news all weekend, I find I actually know this guy....RIP Kris.

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